Hello, all, and welcome to September! Summer is starting to wind down (just starting, like thinking about starting to wind down) and that means autumn is coming. I am hoping real hard for a nice, long autumn with some still-warm days and the scent of sun-dried fallen leaves, and even nights that I can curl up under my Sherpa comforter and wool (I think) blanket. Oh, yeah.
Anyhoo, as I was scoping out some blogging topics, I found a stash of blog tags that all looked super fun, and today I wanted to do one of them! This one I found on DreamlandBookBlog, called My Life in Books. This is going to be interesting, so let’s find out what my life in books looks like.
Shall we?
1. Find a book for each of your initials.
A – A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
M – Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques
R – Rowan of Rin by Emily Rodda
2. Count your age along your bookshelf: What book is it?
Kingdom’s Quest by Chuck Black. Sad things is, I haven’t read it yet. ?
3. Pick a book set in your city/country
Well, this one’s hard. I don’t live in a city, or anything that could really be called a city. And most of the books I’ve read don’t even take place in this world. BUT, I still might actually have something. The Fiddler’s Gun is set in America – albeit during the Revolution – and some of the characters from The Berinfell Prophecies are from New York. If that counts. Maybe? Yeah?
4. Pick a book that represents a destination you’d love to travel to
Uh . . . Does it have to be a real place? Because if not then I definitely hands down pick The Fellowship of the Ring for the Shire. And by now, that shouldn’t come as a surprise. ? But if it does have to be a real place, then . . . Ireland, because, well, Ireland. Or, you know, How to Train Your Dragon, because Scandinavia. Northwestern Europe. All of it.
5. Pick a book that’s your favorite color
That would be far simpler if I had a specific favorite color. I am growing to like the topic of favorites less and less these days . . . How about the new cover for On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. It has a handful of great colors, soft and muted, which are my favorite kind of colors. Nothing garish. And for the record, all the covers for this series are gorgeous.

6. Which book do you have the fondest memories of?
Well, there’s another hard one. I have so many, for so many different reasons! Now, I can’t really tie the books I’ve read with seasons in my life, because that would be too convenient for my memory to have stored that information readily available. But I remember Howl’s Moving Castle fondly because it’s never failed to give me a good time, laughs, and warm-fuzzies.
7. Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?
This would likely have to go to a book that I never actually finished, since it was difficult to such a degree that I decided to give up (which, like, never happens. Me and giving up don’t get along very well). So . . . Firelord would be one of the latest ones in that category. I had high hopes for it, too, Arthurian legend and all that, but I got so confused that I couldn’t enjoy it.
8. Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it?
Currently? The Arabian Nights. I’ve wanted to read it for years, and have been reading it for years. I recently finished The Tale of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, and let me tell you, Disney hacked that story apart. Not that the movie is bad, it’s one of my all-time favorites, actually. But it is very different. Next will probably be The Count of Monte Cristo.
And that’s where we are! Well, where I am, anyway. How about you? Consider yourself tagged! What does your life in books look like?
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