Well, it’s the second weekend in September already, and the harvest just keeps rolling in. The onions are all picked and drying in the greenhouse, the cucumbers are still going strong, and the summer squash is winding down. Our pumpkins are ripening, my heirloom tomatoes are coming en mass, and the white peaches are finally ready.
All at once.

This weekend has been a flurry of activity around the farm, and I’ve spent the majority of my time in the kitchen drowning in peaches. This is all from one tree. One. I know that I have been anticipating these peaches for months, and I am not blind to the blessing of such a bountiful harvest, but it still gets a bit overwhelming sometimes!
Yesterday I made two double batches of jam, one regular white peach and the other honey-ginger-peach. The latter is rather popular with NovelTea customers, and I like the former for its simplicity and punch of peachy flavor.

I also went out on a limb and canned some. They look pretty, but I just pray I haven’t doomed us . . .

And then- well, in between, actually, I went outside to check my tomatoes and picked an eight- quart basket full of them. These fruits are so delicious and lovely on the eyes, especially the yellow ones.

This one yellow tomato is a BEAST, and I’ve been watching it grow bigger and bigger for several weeks. This thing is a two hander, a meal in and of itself.

I love it. Now I just have to figure out how to serve it!
And that was just yesterday. Today we took a trip for tractor parts and work boots, then put some more peaches in the freezer (chilly!), tried some of my da’s homemade cheddar cheese (tasty!), and began canning some corn (sticky!).
We’ll have to work on finishing the corn tomorrow, and by then it’ll be time to start preparing for another day at the market! It’s exhausting sometimes, trying to keep up with everything, but it’s all good things, and it’s only for a season. The resting time will come, and on those days we’ll be able to enjoy all the food we worked so hard to grow and preserve.
On a separate and entirely different note, there is an online magazine that publishes a collection of short stories every day of the week, and I’ve been contemplating submitting one for a while. Well, I’ve finally decided to give it a try (because I don’t have enough to do around here already . . .) The theme for the month is one I love and couldn’t really refuse. Fortunately, the deadline for those submissions (January) is in November, so I have a little bit of time to work on it. I’ve already got the opening in mind, so I should actually go write that down . . .
I’ll definitely share some more information about this later, especially if my story is accepted by their editorial team.
Until then!
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