Did I spell that incorrectly on purpose? I’m not telling. Does it look kool? I think so. Spelling things differently is one of my most favorite things to do (for my books, of course. And only my books ?).
Speaking of things we love, the theme for this year’s Fantasy Month (did you not know it was fantasy month? It is. And it is wonderful). Ahem. This year’s theme is FANDOMS. Super chill. Super fun. Today’s tag (perfect for our theme!) is courtesy of Madeline over on her blog, forwarded to my awareness by the instigator of FM herself, Jenelle. I’m pumped to share some of my fandom love with y’all, so let’s get down to it!

- What’s the first fandom you remember becoming a part of?
This requires thinking waaaaaay back. I’m actually fairly new to the whole ‘fandom’ thing, and outside of reading and books in general (book fandom. It’s a thing.) I might have to go with The Saddle Club? There were books, a TV series, and a newsletter that I’m fairly certain came in the mail. You know, like with postage and stuff. I wasn’t into it all die-hard, but I vaguely remember mail and DVDs. It’s been a LONG time since I graduated from that phase, though,
- What’s the newest fandom you’ve come to enjoy?
. . .
Star Wars.
Yeah. It started with The Mandalorian. It has graduated the The Clone Wars. Captain Rex, man. And RIP Tup! Hardcase! Heavy! So, so many clones. I am in pain over them every other episode, it seems. ?
- What’s a fandom guaranteed to give you feels?
Umm . . . Presently? Star Wars. Always to the end of forever? How to Train Your Dragon. Both the movies and the books. Gets me every time. Honestly, though, any story worth a fandom pulls on the emotions. It’s the glue that binds us to them.
- What’s a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?
I don’t know about this one, since if I feel guilty over it, I’m not going to enjoy it. The closest thing I can think of would be Ouran High School Host Club, which is more of an embarrassing pleasure. I so enjoy the story and characters. But it’s a RomCom. And I don’t like the idea of being caught watching it.
There, the cat’s outta the bag.
- What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve heard of/are a part of?
Anime. Hands down. Don’t even have to think about that one. By definition, anime is over-the-top, defying physics and every scrap of conventional western fiction. There is some WEIRD stuff out there, but also some of the greatest stories and some personal favorites.
- Favorite popular/widely-known fandom?
That would probably have to be Lord of the Rings.
- Favorite bookish fandom?
Uh . . . I honestly couldn’t say. I have an aversion to the term ‘favorite’, as if I could rank anything. I love certain books for certain things, and putting one above another in some sore of hierarchy is impossible. How about the bookish fandom? I am a fan of books. They are one of my favorite things.
- What do you consider your ‘homebase’, a fandom you can always come back to?
Any and all? I mean, the question implies I actually leave a fandom. But just because I’m not actively consuming that particular media, it doesn’t mean I’ve left the fandom or anything. I feel like I can come back to all of them . . .
- What’s a fandom you know all about…but aren’t actually into it?
*Hoists up riot shield*
Harry Potter.
I saw the movies, ‘read’ the books on audio when we still did this CD thing, but was always ‘meh’ about it. It’s a pool, and I’ve never felt like swimming.
- Which fandom has the best characters?
Oooooooohhhhhh. Well, I just might have to agree with Jenelle on this one and say Stargate. Daniel. Jack. Sam. Teal’C. The others. What an adventure. Makes me want to watch SG-1 all over again, just thinking about them. Their depth. Their arcs. Their humor.
- Name your all-time favorite ship.
RLS Legacy.
- What’s a fandom you’re curious about joining?
If I’ve thought about joining, chances are I’ve already dipped my toes in. Although if we want to get technical, I’d say Brandon Sanderson and his Stormlight Archives. I listened to the first book on audio, gosh, was it two years ago already? Summer 2019. Loved it. Haven’t touched another since, but I think it’s a band wagon I’d like to jump on. Especially since I went and supported the Kickstarter . . .
And that’s a wrap! What fun, am I right? What about you? Are you a fellow fan of any of these doms? Let’s CHAT. And if you’d like to take part in this game of tag, below are a set of the questions you can super easily copy and paste to your own blog/site for answering. Also include the graphic from way up top, and tag a couple of your blogging buddies!
- What’s the first fandom you remember becoming a part of?
- What’s the newest fandom you’ve come to enjoy?
- What’s a fandom guaranteed to give you feels?
- What’s a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?
- What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve heard of/are a part of?
- Favorite popular/widely-known fandom?
- Favorite bookish fandom?
- What do you consider your ‘homebase’, a fandom you can always come back to?
- What’s a fandom you know all about…but aren’t actually into it?
- Which fandom has the best characters?
- Name your all-time favorite ship.
- What’s a fandom you’re curious about joining?
Sherlock! All I hear is how amazing it is, and I want in on some of the epic-ness! Though I worry for my mental health’s sake – too much emotional trauma may just ruin me! Tell me below if this is a good idea, please. XD I’m just over here squealing at your answers. We’re a part of like ALL the same fandoms and I LOVE IT.
I think you should definitely give Sherlock a go, it is a fascinating story! I loved it, too (and have been mulling over a re-watch of the series?). It is a pretty spectacular piece of storytelling.
Eee! You did the tag!!!
Oh my goodness, I feel so much sympathy for Maul and Opress, too! They just really get the short end of the stick over and over and it’s… kind of their own fault? Maybe? I feel like they’re just severely lied to constantly and they don’t realize it. Sadness.
And all the clones!!! *sobs*
OOOOH I was a Saddle Club fan, too! I think my fairy tales still came first, but the Saddle Club were my favorite from age 8 through jr. high. For sure. And the Thoroughbred books. Really, anything with a horse in it.
I did! It just looked so fun and different, and a totally refreshing topic, oddly.
Yes, Maul and Savage cause the majority of their own problems, but I couldn’t help thinking that they just got so used and abused . . . You wanna talk sympathetic bad guys, these are the bros, in my book!
The Clones got a lot of the same treatment, Order 66 and all. Man, in that arc, I fought so hard not to just start sobbing. It was a visceral sadness I haven’t felt in a very long time.
Yeah, Saddle Club and Pony Pals were my jam for a while growing up. Then when I discovered I could read several Pony Pals books in a single day, I knew it was time to upgrade!